
在時代夾縫中成長,經歷過難以想像的艱辛歲月,見證了半世紀的風雲,進入過色彩絢爛的古代文化世界,遨遊過西方廣闊的思想天地,宇宙六合,俱在心靈重現宏偉的圖景。一生堅守的信念,源自內心深處:確信愛與自由,比一切重要。自由,是精神超越的必要條件。愛,不論愛人與被愛,生命才顯示色彩。沒有愛與自由,漆黑一片,生不如死。一生未能忘懷的,是托爾斯泰的《戰爭與和平》。一生的摯愛,永遠埋在心底。一生追求的,是天上的雲彩。 Living in continuously changing times, I have been through a bitter period of life. I have seen the changes that went through in this century. I have entered into the magnificent world of Chinese Classic and Literature, and I have traveled through the plains of the West in my heart, this beauty is once again reborn. My principles that I bear in mind every moment comes from within my heart: the power of love and freedom are most important and towers over the other things in life. Freedom is state of mind which we all have to overcome. Love - no matter if you are being love or in love, the world seems much brighter, happier. Without love and freedom, life would be like blackness, living as though dead. One of life's most memorable moments was when I read Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. The person I love most in this world would always be there, deep down in my heart. Chasing after those moments in life, is like chasing the clouds that drift across our skies.

2014年1月27日 星期一


《老子》提醒人「不敢為天下先」,一片苦口婆心,是絕頂智慧。後人物質過剩、體質過壯、信心過度、情緒過敏,任何「不」字組成的訓勉,都置若妄聞。試問當今怎麼會說「不敢」?一窩蜂表態 I can 我敢我能,大家爭競誇下海口,心中光芒萬丈,是如此的雄心壯志!

原發表時間 2010-10-18 10:51

